To produce a proper synthesis essay, you need the ability to analyze information and present it in an orderly way. Students learn to digest information during high school or college classes, but this skill also proves to be essential in the world of business and advertisement.
Oftentimes, when being assigned this type of essay, students feel lost and overwhelmed with questions: What is a synthesis essay? How to start a synthesis essay? What should I write in a synthesis essay introduction and conclusion?
With the help of our recommendations, you will be able to bring your synthesis essay writing skills to the next level. However, if your deadline is approaching and you need fast results or writing a synthesis essay is too difficult for you, hire one of our professionals to take care of your assignment. We have what it takes to save you from sleepless nights and bad grades.
Let’s begin with a synthesis essay definition. In essence, it is a writing in which you combine several sources of information, separate parts of one source or different viewpoints, and form your own opinion about a certain subject. Your main task is to find a link between those different works and subsequently present and support a claim regarding the subject. It is essential to find connections that can be formed into a solid viewpoint.
Following are synthesis essay types:
In this type of essay, the writer presents his or her viewpoint through a thesis statement. It is required to organize all the information logically and support this point of view. Position writing (business white writing) are often written in this essay form. Students usually write argumentative synthesis essays during their AP exams.
This type is considered preliminary to an argument synthesis. In it, you are supposed to discuss what was written about the subject before. The review must include a critical analysis of all the used materials. Often such writing prove that deeper research is needed in the field or that the issue was not addressed properly. Reviews are common in the area of social sciences and medicine.
This type of synthesis essay is meant to help the audience further understand the topic. This can be done by categorizing facts. Explanatory synthesis essays usually have a weak thesis statement, if any, and do not support a certain standpoint.
Of course, the first steps are the hardest. To ensure the best results, you must properly approach the initial stages of your synthesis essay writing. Here is what we recommend you to do before you start writing that first draft:
It is strongly recommended to create a synthesis essay outline before you begin writing. It will help you present the material in an orderly and logical way. When it comes to AP exams, it is crucial to follow a specific synthesis essay structure:
Once you have created an outline for your writing, start working on your first draft, and stick to your plan. However, if it is not an AP exam, don’t be afraid to deviate from the standard structure we discussed above.
You can choose one of these synthesis essay topics or draw inspiration from this list and invent your own unique topic. Choose something that truly fascinates you and makes you want to delve deep into the matter.
Have no idea how to write a synthesis essay? If this type of assignment is a real challenge for you, or you simply lack synthesis essay ideas and proper writing skills, consider entrusting this assignment to skilled professionals from our team. Our writing platform guarantees top-notch quality, zero plagiarism, and timely delivery to each customer. This is a place where perfection is possible.
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